Thursday 5 May 2011

Former Industrial Arts Teacher

Hello OF's,

I was talking to Edgar Thistle the other day and he told me about "Dim" not his real name Press. It seems that Mr. Press taught at Feild and is still alive living in a home somewhere in St. John's. I would like to get in touch with him and see if he was able to come to one of our lunches. Edgar said he would be in his 90's but is in good health. Please get in touch if you know where he is.

I am having trouble getting a place to store our Feildian memorabilia. If anyone has an
8 x 10 room in their business that can be locked please get in touch. Some of you know that the archive has to move from our current large room to a smaller room in the school which will not be able to house all of our "stuff".

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