Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Old Feildians Reach Milestones

It was a wonderful turnout of Old Boys at Winterholme on Monday, 20 June to celebrate the birthdays of several boys. Dr. Nigel Rusted, Mr. William Neal and Mr. Edwin H. Press were presented with certificates of birthday wishes from His Honour The Lieutenant Governor John Crosbie.
The weather outside was wet and cold but inside our honorees were treated to warm wishes from all those present. The lunch donated by The Sundance was delicious and disappeared quickly. Thank you very much John for this generous donation. After the LG spoke and presented certificates the three honorees cut the cake from Manna Bakery and Happy Birthday was sung.

A great time was had by all. Our next lunch will be at The Sundance on July 25 at noon as usual. More information will be forth coming. Below are some pictures of our celebration.

Dr. Rusted thanking Feildians

His honor The LG presenting plaques to Dr. Nigel Rusted, Mr. Bill Neal and Mr. Edwin Press

His Honour and Dr. Rusted cutting the cake while Lisa Cook and Ruby Cook look on.

Boys, to see a larger image click on the photograph.

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