Saturday, 4 June 2011

Bastow Obit.

Hello Boys,

Gordon John Collier Bastow died  this past Tuesday, June 1, 2011 at The Miller Centre in St. John's. Gordon was the brother of a good friend of mine Dave Bastow.

Dave who was an Old Feildian who sang in The Cathedral Choir when I was a boy just joining. As I became older Dave and I sang in other choirs such as The Festival Choir under Ignatius Rumbolt and later Don Cook. Much later in life I sang with Gordon in The Echoes Choir which Ann Abraham directed. We used to sing one Sunday a month at St. Luke's Home. Gordon was an avid Feildian and we spoke often about some of the masters he had while he attended there. Many of you know Hugh Miller who was Gordon's nephew as Hugh's mother was also a Bastow. Some of you know Tony and Doug Bastow whose father was Gerald Bastow, another of Gordon's brothers.

Non Moritur Cujus Fama Vivit

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