Among those at lunch were a small group of over 90's. Leading the way were Dr. Nigel Rusted and Bill Neal. Along with those over 90's was a much-beloved coach Charlie Riddle.
I picked up Dr. Rusted on a glorious sunny day and he was ready and waiting at his door. He got out of the car in front of Winterholme and said that he used to play bridge with Marmeduke Winter who had the home built in 1905-1907. Dr. Rusted, for those who do not know, will be 104 this coming July.
Our list of attendees is growing. We had some new faces this time. Rick Yetman, Don's son was with us from Martinique. He was the youngest. Bill Driscoll, Alistair Rice, Tim Shears, Burf Ploughman, Jim Phillips, Cyril Bennett, Edgar Porter and Harold Duffett also attended for, I believe, the first time. If that is not true someone will correct me. It`s great to see the college spirit alive and well when we meet.
With the lunch and the chat drawing to an end a Telegram reporter arrived to interview Dr. Rusted, Bill Neal and Charlie Riddle. After the interview most of us gathered on the steps of Winterholme for a group shot. See below.
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