Thursday, 1 July 2021


STAFF 1963-64


I am continually going through our pictures and documents and so I sit here on Memorial Day looking at a picture of the Old School Staff of 1963. There are a number of teachers I cannot identify. Maybe someone can help.  See picture below.

From Left to Right Back Row

Violet Cave, Eric (Pop) Caines, Lloyd French, Maxwell Rideout, Clarence Burry

Harry Cooze, ????????

Front Rowe

Jessie Halfyard, ?????, Rita Long, Ralph Anderson (head), Nita Penney, ???? ,

Hattie Freeman, Lenora Thomas

With Covid-19 beginning to ease our committee will get to work on the trophies.

My email:

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Our Trophies

Boys these are some of the trophies (approx. 30) we have at the archive. A small committee of Dick Cook, Don Rowe, Hugh Miller and I are looking for ideas to use these trophies. There is no space to display them at the school, I've been informed. We could photograph them and create a  binder with the photographs and descriptions of each trophy and then discard the trophy itself. We can make any number of copies of the binder.

The impetus for this effort stems from the fact that the Diocesan Archive is closing on King's Bridge Road. They are currently stored in boxes in the basement there and MUST be removed by the end of the month. We welcome all suggestions. Email me :