Tuesday, 14 October 2008

E-mail from Eric Suley

Eric sent me the following e-mail the other day which was quite interesting and informative. He made a supreme effort to become a Feildian. Here's how he tells it.

He says: 'I stumbled on your website by accident while I was browsing The PWC website. I am not an alumnus of the venerable old school, rather a product of The United Church System of the 50's and 60's. I began in Grade 5 at Curtis Academy and graduated from PWC in 1965.

However, I have an Anglican connection that I am very proud of. I went to Springdale Street School until Grade 4 and that would be my ticket to becoming a 'Feildian' after I graduated. I had played Junior and Senior Hockey at PWC and would have naturally gone on to play with The Guards in the club league in the city. But a 'win at all costs' attitude by Howie Meeker at the time turned me off a little, so I went to the Feildian camp. They welcomed me but had to show I had had some Anglican school background. I had to bring my report card from Springdale Street School to the stadium to prove it. That was in 1965 and I was offically adopted by a great bunch of guys. I played two years with the Feildian Junior Hockey and Baseball Teams. At 19 I left home to join the RCMP.

My highlight as a left-handed picture was to be called up by Charlie Riddle, the Feildian's coach, to play senior ball in the summer of '66. My first game turned out to be against the powerhouse Guards with Ian Campbell and John Winter to name two and we won!!! I was thrilled to be in the dugout with the likes of Tols Chapman, Stan Breen, Bob Cole and Don Yetman.

After 40 years with my career I have moved back but still have my Feildian MVP 1966 baseball plaque. I have always been proud to be a 'Feildian'.

I think Eric has earned the right to be a Feildian!!

Monday, 13 October 2008

Web Site

Hello Boys,

The web site problems have been overcome and in the next while I will be updating the site. I ran into Gordon "Dodo" Breen at Pam Babstock's funeral and we had a great chat. Gordon is coming to the dinner on November 8. We will have the tickets available soon for that dinner. Remember it is Saturday, November 8, 2008 at The Elk's Club, Carpasian Road, 6 PM for 7PM. See you there. Please call Dick or me to reserve your seat as space is limited.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Web Site Problems

Hello, for some reason I have not been able to get into the administrative end of our web site and thus have not made any updates. I am working on this problem so please bear with me.