Below is The Bishop Feild Coat of Arms which has been associated with the school since its inception in 1844.
Notice the cross in the lower section. It divides that section into four areas. In the upper left as if looking at it is the lamb bearing the flag. This represents St. John. In the lower left is a sheaf of corn representing the Feild family. This sheaf of corn is prominent on the coast of arms of the Feild family. In the upper right is the lion rampant which represents the Jones family. In the lower right hand corner is a fore and aft schooner which represents the fishing industry of the then country of Newfoundland. Notice the rose just below the bishop's mitre and the thistle and the shamrock. These represent the three countries of the British Isles; Ireland, Scotland and England. The mitre, itself, is symbolic of the church. In the riband below is our motto-Non Moritur Cujus Fama Vivit" which in English means, They are not dead whose fame lives after them.
Notice the cross in the lower section. It divides that section into four areas. In the upper left as if looking at it is the lamb bearing the flag. This represents St. John. In the lower left is a sheaf of corn representing the Feild family. This sheaf of corn is prominent on the coast of arms of the Feild family. In the upper right is the lion rampant which represents the Jones family. In the lower right hand corner is a fore and aft schooner which represents the fishing industry of the then country of Newfoundland. Notice the rose just below the bishop's mitre and the thistle and the shamrock. These represent the three countries of the British Isles; Ireland, Scotland and England. The mitre, itself, is symbolic of the church. In the riband below is our motto-Non Moritur Cujus Fama Vivit" which in English means, They are not dead whose fame lives after them.